Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday morning

I've only been at work for half an hour and I've already heard 2 of the songs from the list I made on Friday - it's ridiculous!

10:00 Update - Make that 3 songs...

10:30 - 4


Matt said...

hey Chris! hang in there buddy! it could be worse - you could be listening to a Canadian radio station!

Chris said...


I had held British radio in higher esteem but I now see it's really not much better...

Anonymous said...

I thought that was what MP3's were for--to have your own music. Are you sure you can't turn a speaker down? :):)

Now there are much more interesting things to think and write about so give us some of your best stuff and no more whining and 'whinging'!!

Kyle said...

Well, at least they've discovered Fall Out Boy.