Monday, June 12, 2006

Back to work

Well it's Monday morning, my first day on the job alone. And I mean ALONE. Like, I am literally the only one in my office.

I got a little freaked out this morning at the lack of structure (I knew I was gonna be the only one here and had no idea what I'm doing) and I seriously considered bailing -- it wouldn't have been too hard to call up the agency and ask for a new placement -- but I'm so glad that I didn't!

I came in, turned on the computer, turned on the fan, turned on the radio, and got to work! There was a big pile of slips of paper (still is, as a matter of fact) with a note asking me to sort them into their various classes, and I've been doing it since I got in! We'll see if I can stretch it out until lunch time....

I do like the relaxed environment - I've never earned money more comfortably in my entire life! And it's nice that they aren't looking over my shoulder and breathing down my neck, however I'm worried that come the end of the week there is going to be stuff that I was supposed to do and didn't, just because no one told me! I guess in that case it's not really my fault, but still, I want to make sure all my bases are covered, so I better ask around.

With Kyle leaving the UK and heading back to the States in a week or so, I seriously considered going back to the coffee shop for the summer, if only for the social element. However now that I'm seated comfortably behind a fan and in front of a computer with internet access, and earning £2 more per hour than I would at the coffeeshop, those thoughts seem foolish.

Well, someone just came in and asked me to change the printer ink, so maybe I should go figure out where that's kept...ciao!


Anonymous said...

The trick is to find something really useful to do now and then, something that will really surprise and delight them (like organizing a supply cabinet that is always in a disastrous state) and then just enjoy the pleasure of sitting back the rest of the time and reading and writing all day on the internet.

That way you will have done more then the regular person but not enough to show anyone off.

Kyle said...

There's no internet at home, that's for certain!

Chris said...

And for that, I blame the russian.