Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Come on Ghana!

Well this being the first World Cup I've ever followed, I can't say what it's been like in the past however this year it seems less like the 'World Cup' and more like the 'Western European Cup with special invites for Argentina and Brazil to tag along'

That said, mighty Ghana is still in contention (after being the USA 2-1!) Now, they have a big obstacle in front of them today, namely Brazil who were favoured to win the whole shebang, but I have faith in the mighty African nation!

You never know what could happen, and it would be a huge upset if they took Brazil down! In fact, it wouldn't even matter if they made it to the finals - Ghana knocking out Brazil would be a World Cup victory unto itself! And with that, I put my support behind Ghana! Go Black Stars!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much for that thought!