Sunday, April 09, 2006


Ok, in following with Rich and Naomi's posts on friends and friendship, here is a list of countries in which I have friends or relatives of friends, where I think I could probably stay for free. This is not to boast, but rather to accentuate the multiculturality of the friendships that I've made since arriving in the UK. Well ok, it is to boast a little bit.

So here they are, in no particular order other than the one that comes to mind: New Zealand, Brazil, France, Spain, Sweden, Poland, The Netherlands, India, Italy, and Finland. And of course all over the UK, obviously. I wish there were more African and Asian countries in there...something to work on I guess. If you know of anywhere else that I could stay for free due to having a connection there, feel free to add it to the comments. In fact, I hear that the Irish are quite friendly...maybe I'll be able to add that to the list after this weekend :D


Anonymous said...

norway :)

Anonymous said...