Sunday, April 23, 2006

Life in Britain

Watching the 10 o'clock news on the BBC tonight they aired two stories back to back. The first being about the protesters in Nepal who want accountability for the Monarchy and are fighting for real democratic elections. The very next story was about a thanksgiving service held for the Queen of England today in which they intercut shots of the Royal family and other guests, all of whom looked absolutely bored to the point of tears. I think Prince Charles may even have been nodding off.

I'm not sure what the political commentary is here, but the stark juxtaposition really struck me...

Two things I'd like to add:
- In spite of what I wrote yesterday, I'm not against protests by any stretch of the imagination. Sometimes it's the only way to begin a discussion...more power to 'em.
- I'm not sure how I feel about a church service whose sermon is dedicated to the personality of the Queen. Actually, that's a lie. I am sure how I feel about it: uneasy. Isn't the purpose of a sermon to convey the message of God? What does the Queen of England's long life and ruling history have to do with that?


Naomi said...

Hang on, point of order... she's not just the Queen of England (or indeed the United Kingdom) I think she's the Queen of Canada too isn't she?! ...

Chris said...

I suppose technically she is, although moves have been made to further distance ourself from her (read here)

Which I think is a good move, because I don't really believe in monarchies, constitutional or otherwise.

I guess I'm actually a Republican (ha! never thought i'd say that...)