Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Good Canadians Do Not Have Farts

Those of you who know me in real life will be well acquainted with my gas. It is infamously hideous and clears rooms, literally.

However, today it brought joy to an entire section of the office! I kid you not! It went like this:

Since all the ladies are back from vacation I have been moved to a different part of the office where I can do my repetitive paperwork and listen to music, it's been great. So today, shortly after lunch, I was returning to their corner of the office with some of the work I had finished and to pick up some more to do, when I accidentally let one silently slip. It was particularly vile, but thankfully short-lasting.

Now, luckily for me, there was another young guy in the vicinity at the time, so it wasn't quite so obvious that it came from me. Anyhow, the blame game started and the amount of laughter which it generated was unparalleled. Honestly, I've never seen any of them laugh that hard...they were all, quite seriously, wiping tears from their eyes (due to LAUGHTER, not ODOUR). And really, that seemed to buoy everyone's spirits for the rest of the afternoon. I could consistently hear laughter coming from that part of the office, and whenever I returned to get more paperwork, the game was still going:

"That must have been you Chris! It didn't come from a lady!"
"I don't know...Carol was the first one to smell it!!"
"I reckon it was David, he was the first to deny it!"
"No way! I like the smell of my own, and that was TERRIBLE!"

And so on. Honestly, I think it is the first time that my farts have ever brought so much happiness into this world.

PS: The title of this post is taken from a storybook I remember reading as a child. In Googling it, I found out that you can download - FOR FREE - an MP3 of the book as read by the author himself! It's only 4 minutes long, listen to it here. (My mom and uncle are going to love this!!!)

EDIT: PPS: Lol, I was doing some more searching on Robert Munsch and came across this link. What does it contain? A list of reviews by an Amazon member. Regarding one book by Robert Munsch, they wrote
"Now here is another story where two kindergarteners end up taking off their clothes in class and everyone thinks it is funny! What is up with this guy? Serious issues with boundaries and appropriate social behavior. I will not be reading his books to my children anymore."

First of all, if you've ever read anything by Robert Munsch, you will know that his stories are completely innocent and harmless. Second of all, the moral superiority conveyed by that last sentence is utterly destroyed when you realize that this page also contains reviews for THREE S&M EROTICA novels, giving them 4 and 5 stars (what was that about boundaries and appropriate social behaviour?) Now, presumably the reviewer would keep these books away from the children too (at least I should certainly hope so!), however it makes me think that perhaps they are projecting their own views of sexuality onto their kids who might actually be totally oblivious. Funny, in a weird way. Just an interesting observation I guess.


Anonymous said...

Fart on I say!! And if you wouldn't mind, get it all out of your system before we meet up and have to share a room for a few weeks.

Now as I recall, you were pretty good at clearing out a tent with those deadly missiles as well.

The only true rival you ever had was the dog, Jenna! Now hers were particualrly deadly!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I shared your stry in our front office today where there is also one fellow and 3 women and they laughed just as loudly.

Must be universal!