Saturday, April 08, 2006


I have 3 big blog posts that are floating around in my mind and I've been meaning to get them out of there and on to the internet, but I just haven't taken the time they deserve to be written properly. So instead, here's a teaser of the topics:

1.) A list of countries in which I could probably stay for free, due to friends or relatives of friends that I have met since living in England
2.) A calm, rational argument about why 'Christian' video games outrage me
3.) The fact that I just realized that it is very likely that 2 of my grandparents were Nazis (although I have no proof of this)

We'll see if I can't pop one or two of 'em out tomorrow...


Naomi said...

What are 'Christian' video games?!

Kyle said...


A game in which only pagans die.