Saturday, February 12, 2005

Broken Computers and Bodies of Water

Well, I've been having power issues with my laptop ever since I bought it, however today it finally went off the deep end. My computer will no longer recognize that the power adapter is plugged in, so I'm currently running off what remains of my battery. I called tech support, and they said they'd fix it for free, but it means I have to ship it back to North America because that's where their tech centre is. Bah. It'll be nice to finally have a fully functional computer however I'm not liking the fact that I will be 'unplugged' for a few weeks, at the very least. Hopefully I'll get some temp work soon in order to alleviate the boredom that would otherwise ensue (and to earn some money, which I'm definitely in need of). I'll still be able to check my e-mail from computers provided by libraries and/or housemates, but I won't be around on Messenger and such. As well, posts like these will probably become more scarce...

And now for something completely different:
I was wandering around Oxford today and had lunch at the Head of the River pub. It was a bit pricey, but the view was beautiful. As I was eating, I realized that there's something about living near a large body of water that feeds my soul. This is something else I was missing in Hartfield, and although I couldn't pinpoint it at the time, I realize now that it was a factor. Whether it's Lake Ontario, Lake Clearwater, The St. Lawrence River, or the Thames, anywhere I've lived for more than a month has always been close to a large body of water (with the exception of Hartfield). Maybe it's that connection to God's creation, or maybe it's the fantasy of hopping on a boat and leaving your troubles behind while traveling to somewhere new & exciting...or maybe it's both of these things and more. Whatever it is, I love water, and the thought of being land-locked almost induces a form of claustrophobia in me....

Well that's it for now, and possibly for a while...I hope that you're all well, and I'll keep you updated with developments of my laptop repair. Au revoir.


Anonymous said...

Very ironic to think of being landlocked on an island :)

You were raised to love water Chris. Like travelling you have no choice but to be driven by the urge to be on or in the water.

Remember last year in February when you got to canoe with alligators in early March!

Hope you get to go canoeing or punting soon.

Chris said...

My friend Liz pointed out that the reason I loved water was obvious: I'm a pisces :D