Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Wow, Rick Mercer is really helping me reach my multimedia goal! Here are some clips handpicked by me in case you didn't want to sift through all of them yourself (all quicktime links):

And here's a couple of older'll need RealPlayer for these. The first is Rick Mercer interviewing people on my university campus... I remember my flatmate said he saw him on his way to class that day. And here's two more for good measure.

All of these clips are taken from here

Well, after watching all these clips I'm feeling rather patriotic....which is odd because I don't really believe in nationalism.

1 comment:

MP said...

Chris Langston, you old chap! How ya been?!
I am reading your blog and enjoying every second of it. You make for a good adventure.
Continue to rock on, and rock always.

From an MP in Canada.