Sunday, August 13, 2006


Ok, I lied - no update yet.

I did, however, find the following on YouTube which is AMAZING. This was on tv ALL THE TIME when I was a doesn't get much more Canadian than this (dancing beaver included). If you saw me on the street and asked me to sing the whole thing, I could probably do it from memory.


Jim said...

Stunning!!! ONLY the Canadians would entertain their kids with tales and songs of environmental destruction. It also goes to show how cash strapped the Canadian government (particularly the CBC) were in the 1980's... this stuff wouldn't entertain kids nowadays... and the poorer they are for it! Tonight Chris we will want you to sing the whole song to a gathered audience at the Eagle and Child!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh ... I knew what is was before I even started the clip! I LOVED watching that! I most def sang along ... although I'm not sure I could sing it by heart. I'm not THAT hardcore.

PS I haven't updated my blog in months ... I will ... eventually

Anonymous said...

Too bad the English just have 'pooh sticks'to play with!