Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I hate Italians.

Ok, so that's not true, I just wanted a provocative headline. I'm sure that there are many, many lovely Italian folks.

It's too bad none of them play for their football team :P

Ok, that's probably not true either, but you get my point.

I have no problem acknowledging that Italy was the stronger side tonight and probably the better players, I just think that if they actually spent more time playing the game rather than rolling around on the ground, they would have scored before the last 3 minutes of extra time...

In doing some reflection, I think what bothers me about their style of play is the inherent injustice. The rules are there to create an equal playing field for all teams, so that they can compete purely based on ability. Now philosophically speaking, I have no problem breaking rules if it is the only means to an end result of equality (e.g. the Civil Rights movement in the states) but if you're breaking the rules in order to gain favour for your side (at the expense of another) well then that pisses me off. I guess I see Italy as the 'big business' of international football - they exploit the system at others expense in order to profit.

Come on France!

Now in news that actually matters and has some sort of affect on the world, apparently North Korea has test-fired some missles which would be capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Considering their dictator's questionable mental stability, that doesn't bode well for the existence of humanity. The future isn't looking too bright in Palestine/Israel these days either. Kinda puts a couple of football games into perspective, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

I can't image your British mates will be too happy with your cheer for France :)

Let's just pray for world peace on and off the soccer field.

Anonymous said...

You got your wish. We'll see who wins.