Saturday, July 08, 2006


I just read this awesome story on the CBC website and thought it would make a suitable follow up to yesterday's post. Here's the first two paragraphs from the article:

"A 26-year-old Montreal man appears to have succeeded in his quest to barter a single, red paper-clip all the way up to a house.

It took almost a year and 14 trades, but Kyle MacDonald has been offered a two-storey farmhouse in Kipling, Sask., for a paid role in a movie."

If ever there was a case for the Internet revolutionizing human interaction, surely this is it!


Anonymous said...

There is definitely a case for you to become one of the most interesting commentators on culture in our time. Students would flock to your classes Chris. People would look for your articles. And you books and documentaries would sell.

Time to get on with it. Your future awaits and it will be quite the journey as we know it.

Kyle said...

Hee hee!