Sunday, March 06, 2005

The British Empire is a Great Thing

Ok, so maybe the British Empire wasn't a great thing for everyone when it existed (like, say, the Indians) but now that colonialism has more or less had its hey-day (with a few exceptions...*cough*afghanistan/iraq*cough*), it turns out to be rather beneficial.

In thinking to the future, I found this:

"The visa allows a stay of up to 12 months from the date of first entry to Australia, regardless of whether or not you spend the whole time in Australia.

You are allowed to do any kind of work of a temporary or casual nature, but work for more than three months with any one employer is not permitted.

Australia has reciprocal Working Holiday maker arrangements in effect with the United Kingdom, Canada......"


  • New Zealand will grant 2,000 young citizens of Canada Work Visas or Permits for a working holiday annually.
  • Visas or permits allow a working holiday of 12 months.

To be eligible

You must:

  • be a citizen of Canada when you apply
  • satisfy us your main reason for coming to New Zealand is to holiday, not work
  • have a minimum of NZ$4,200 available funds to meet your living costs while you’re here.

So who knows what the future may hold...I'm just throwing a couple thoughts out there...


Anonymous said...

Nepotism is a great thing.

Anonymous said...

So $4200 NZ is about $3800 CDN or 1600 UK and that's what needs to be in your pocket below your plane fare. Hmmmm!!!!

Life does seem to cost doesn't it!

Have you ever thought about becoming a steward for the airlines? Might get you more places then you imagined.