Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

It occured to me last night as I stuck my head out my window to watch fireworks and listened to the drunken group of Russians partying in the room next to me that New Year's is one of the few celebrations which unites all of humanity. Ok, granted that groups like the Chinese & others have their own systems and what not, but they still have to do business with the rest of the world. And fair enough, different time zones mean it doesn't happen all at once, but like, it's crazy to think that there's this one day where people all across the planet celebrate the same thing - our continued existence - regardless of politics or religions or ideologies or anything else. We need more of that I think...I guess that's the positive effects of globalization...let's find some more occassions to bring human beings together in joy and celebration....

But in the mean time, happy new year one and all!

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