Thursday, November 30, 2006

Plans Pt. I

The first lines of "Arc of Time" by Bright Eyes go like this:

You can make a plan,
carve it into stone.
Like a feather falling,
it is still unknown.

In fact, you can listen to the first 30 seconds of the song here.

My plans aren't even carved into stone, and are still subject to many changes, but here is what I'm thinking for the near future:

First of all, I'm planning on moving to Waterloo and living with my buddy Matt and maybe 1 or 2 other guys in the New Year. Matt's still finishing up his degree there and I need my autonomy and own space back. Waterloo is still close enough that I'll be able to see all my other friends in the area pretty regularly. I plan on finding a job there and working to save up money until the fall whereby I'm thinking one of two things will happen.

1.) I'm going to apply for an M.Phil in Media Studies at the University of Oslo. Why Oslo?
a.) I like Scandinavia
b.) I like Scandinavian women
c.) Free tuition

Ok, the classes and program look really good as well, and seriously, I loved Scandinavia when Mark and I briefly traveled through a couple of summers ago, I'd love to do my Master's abroad, and it would be great to live in Europe again. I was also looking at a course at NYU, but it would require me doing the GRE, getting academic references, and all kinds of other junk. Plus, tuition for foreign students was like $10,000 US per year! I know that living in the capital of Norway wouldn't be cheap, but it can't be much worse than NYC -- actually, according to Wikipedia they're tied (as a side note, my last big trip took me through 5 of the top 6 most expensive cities in the world - I didn't make it to Seoul). But in Oslo I wouldn't have to pay any tuition - thank you Norwegian taxpayers for your liberalism and open-mindedness!

2.) If that falls through (ie, I'm not accepted) then I'm thinking of taking advantage of the Working Holiday program with Japan and going to live and work out there for a while.

I'd love to do both, really, and maybe I will, but one thing at a time. I know I could write a lot more about both of those topics, but I'll leave it there for now.

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