Thursday, October 12, 2006

Destination: Tokyo

Well I finally made it to Tokyo...alive and in one piece. I just got in late this evening, so I havent really had a chance to explore it yet, although Im sure it will yield some fantastic results. Tomorrow I plan on making a pilgrimage to the Park Hyatt Hotel where Lost in Translation was shot. In the mean time, here are some interesting facts about my trip:
(Please note that none of this includes Hong Kong, where I will be flying to next monday)

Kilometres travelled without flying: 13385 (note that this is a rough estimate using a combination of the City Distance Tool and my Trans-Sib Lonely actual fact it is far more since it also doesnt include all the side trips ive taken, this is just my guess for Oxford to Tokyo)
Number of nights spent sleeping on a train or ferry: 11
Number of countries passed through: 10
Number of time zones crossed: 9
Number of different currencies used: 6
Amount of money lost: $150 US (somewhere in Mongolia i misplaced 3 AmEx travellers cheques)
Number of pig races witnessed: 1
Number of times I have hit my head on something in Japan (so far): 16
Number of those times that I have really smoked my head hard, leaving some sort of bruise or mark: 5

Blargh! As per usual I tried to upload photos, but to no will just have to hold your breath.


Anonymous said...

you forgot to tell us all just how many yong women you've hung out with, chatted up, ate meals with.

Anonymous said...

What's the number of times you passed up potentially good carbonated milk?