Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I have just now come to the conclusion that 'embark' is quite possibly one of my favourite words of the english language. It is filled with such hope, excitement and adventure.

Tomorrow is my last day temping in the office, before embarking on a journey to Amsterdam early friday morning with Kyle, Brad and Patrick. On Sunday morning I will be embarking on a further journey to Geneva where I will be meeting my mother. We're going to spend a couple days there at an Emerging Church conference featuring the likes of Brian McLaren and Jason Clark before traveling a bit through Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic and finally flying out of Germany.

I'm always excited to travel, but that notwithstanding, I feel like I'm embarking on a grander journey as well. It's like this trip through Europe will be the break before the final leg of my time here in Oxford and the UK overall. When I get back, it will nearly be June, leaving me just 3 months remaining on my UK visa. Combined with the nicer weather (finally!) and the fact that I will most likely have a new place of employment when I return, it's as if a new chapter is about to begin. On second thought, what an outdated metaphor. Mayhaps it feels more like a new blog entry is about to be posted. How's that for postmodern? :P

Catch ya from the continent...

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