Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This is what happens when I'm forced to write 7000 words in a formal, academic style with footnotes and other proper citations:

Here we all sit,
in our blue jeans.
Poring over books and notes and doodles we have left in the margins.
Like soldiers on a battlefield,
we bond over a shared sense of hardship:
the pressure of the next exam,
the stress of rewriting those final two pages.
It seems all too present now, yet I can't help but think that in 20 years we will barely remember these times.
20 years from now...

We are young, we are white, we are rich.
We are tomorrow's leaders (or so they keep telling us).
The guy on my left - where will he be 20 years from now?
How about the girl who just walked through the door?
Will we have accepted our responsibility as stewards of the planet?
Will we use our wealth and education to eradicate climate change and global poverty?
The realist, who is also called the pessimist, inside of me says "no, nothing will ever change."

But it's got to.
It's the only thing that keeps me going.
The potential to alter the course of human history with
Love and Grace.
and Hope.
Why am I alive if not for this purpose?

20 years from now...
I'm not entirely certain how the whole thing will roll out.
And frankly, I'm a little scared.
But I do know that it starts here,
sitting in my blue jeans.