Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Mongolia

I typed this whole thing up bupt i am\ at the worlds worst internet cafe...the com\pupters are bogged down by spyware/adware, the connection is crap and the keyborad is v
ery generoups (youp m\ay hav
e noticed it lieks to add letters) - they also seem\ to hav
e pupt 'hollaback girl' on repeat.

I will write som\ething m\ore legible from\ china (i arriv
e on the 23rd)

By the way, I hav
e a pictupre of m\e with a cam\el (they woupldnt let m\e get on thoupgh)


Jim said...

I just want to say how much I've appreciated your blogging effort while on this journey, I've laughed out loud at each entry... entertaining and spirit lifiting... looking forward to legiable blogs from China. Fingers crossed... J
PS. I'm glad they held you back from mounting the camel (Ooops I remembered Linda reads these... sorry L)

Anonymous said...

Jim, too bad we haven't met. Then you might know where Chris gets his sense of humour from :)

I had to take a picture of him in Interlaken with a full size plastic cow. Glad no-one else was there to witness that conversation!

Anonymous said...

i love how i wrote an email to my parents that was EXACTLY the same as this. we were probably on the same com/puter.