Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Wednesday Dec. 01/04

I have decided that the way to go is to find a woman twice my age. That's right, 44 or older. For some reason, they're the only females who find me attractive. I was looking through my past year of journal entries today, and found this one:

"Apr.03/04 - 4:08pm
I have determined that girls don't like me. This is not an absolute rule, but more of a general guideline (although even as a guideline, it's pretty accurate). And when I say "like" I mean "are attracted to." At parties and various other social functions I always see girls flirting with my friends, but never me. Y'know what though? I'm ok with it. I think. It sure would be nice for the ego to have girls fawning over me, but that can also be dangerous too."

That being said, I went to help out for a couple hours in the village primary school on Tuesday morning, and when the (middle-aged) teacher introduced me, she explained to the children that their regular Tuesday morning volunteer was somewhere else, and that I'd be taking over, and that it was all right because I was much more 'handsome' than the normal helper. It got me thinking back to all the middle-aged women at my mom's various jobs over the years who commented on how 'handsome' I was. So I'm thinking, really, that ought to be my target market! Forget these 20-somethings who don't even glance at me, I need to hit up and hit on the older ladies!

...or not.

In other news, I'm going to see Brian McLaren speak in London this Friday! Brian McLaren is one of my heroes, due to his tremendous writing. Most of his books have to do with reshaping theology and Christian practice in light of the current cultural shift from modernity to postmodernity. He's speaking on Thursday as well, but unfortunately I'm trapped in the village with work on that day :( Oh well, at least I'll get one chance! I went to his church near Baltimore earlier this year, in August, hoping to see him speak, but unfortunately although he was scheduled he had been busy and someone else took over. Oh well, I'm really excited for this time and hope (pray) that everything goes ok. It's going to be tight because the conference ends at 4pm, and I gotta be back in Hartfield to run Roots (the youth group) at 7:30. It only takes an hour and half in theory, but that's assuming that trains and buses are on time, which they never are. So we shall see.

Lastly, I finally caved in and bought a cell phone (or as they call it over here, a mobile). I have it with me almost all the time (it doubles as my watch, organizer and gameboy), and I can receive calls for free, even from overseas. That being said, it would probably cost you more to call me, but with phone cards these days, it's pretty cheap for anything. If you want the number, e-mail me and I'll send it back in a reply.

Ok, that's it for now folks. My mom flies over for a couple weeks before Christmas next (not this) Friday. Then after Christmas I'm off to Rome with Mark for 10 days. Hope life is treating you all well. Good luck with those exams for all you unfortunate saps not lucky enough to be across an ocean ;) God bless