Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I do have a big update that I would like to share, but I keep putting it off with little bite-sized entries, like this one.

Anyhow, recently I've had friends in places like England and Texas who have experienced unusual amounts of snowfall. I recognize that for the part of the world which they are in, this is indeed an unexpected treat and should be celebrated. Nevertheless, it is always a bit funny to me to see people guffawing about snow, given forecasts for the place where I'm currently living -- like this one for tomorrow: (click the little picture for the big one)

That's right, the HIGH tomorrow is MINUS TWELVE. Which, when combined with the windchill factor, will feel like MINUS TWENTY-THREE! That is tomorrow's HIGH. The 15-20cm of snow will be added to what's already frozen on the ground.

And again, this isn't to say that I'm better or tougher or anything (certainly there are people who live in much more snow than I!) It just strikes me that what is novel for some is usual for others. Conversely, if I had to live with equatorial heat all the time, I would probably drown in my own perspiration.


Kyle said...

Hmm. You are kind of sweaty.

Anonymous said...

Yup... if you lived in Guatemala, you'd be writing a blog entry about sleeping at night without your balaclava!

Anonymous said...

My university has cancelled classes on two occassions due to a few inches of snow. All the businesses close for the day. It's a good thing Abilene isn't in Canada. We are wusses.