Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February Sucks

Today was a balmy 3 degrees celsius! It was a nice break after the -20's we've been having lately. That said, I've still managed to contract my annual cold...boourns.

Anyway, someone shared this with me, and I thought I'd share it with you. It's dedicated to Matt:
(for those that care, the guy drops a couple f-bombs in the middle - you've been warned)


Anonymous said...

Arrhhhh the quite sense of warm self satisfaction..!!

Matt said...

okay - this was really funny - but I honestly, honestly have no clue what this guy is talking about!
and how can you have a dig at me after I sent you a nice e mail last week - did you get that by the way?!

heatherjoy said...

this was hilarious! steve worships our mac and i- enjoy it now that i know how to use it. i actually like the feeling that the computer is smarter than me- i hated feeling like i could outsmart the PC. where's the challenge in that?!
you'll turn, langford. you will turn. we all have.