Wednesday, February 15, 2006


You train your entire life for it, every last bit of your energy is focused on it, finally, your dream comes true and you make it to the olympics, only to be banned because you were insecure about your hairline.

Pardon the language, but honestly, how fucking stupid do you have to be? If you're gonna dedicate your life to something, don't blow it because of some superficial nonsense. It's only hair for pete's sake. This is coming from a guy who's already balding at the age of 23. Lots of people have full and bushy heads of hair. Not many people have olympic medals. I'm much more impressed by the latter.

Then again, it did say that it was banned for being a 'steroid mask' - so it's quite possible he was taking the 'hair-restoration medication' just to hide his juicing. Either way, that's dumb.

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